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Select an author/owner MINISTRY IN CHARGE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT : Jean Paul Ngarukiyimana, Yunfei Fu ,Celestin Sindikubwabo, Idrissa Fabien Nkurunziza, Faustin, Katchele Ogou, Floribert Vuguziga, Bob Alex Ogwang and Yuanjian Yang : REB AFR African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP Aggee M. SHYAKA MUGABE AGRA ALAIN MUGUNGA Ali Dastgeer, André Bourque and Alexis Kimenyi Anders Ekbom and Emelie César Anne Garbutt APEFA Aspire Coronation Trust Foundation Balthazar Nizeyimana Ben Weinberg Bond Brill Catherine Squire CCPR Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) CIVICUS Civil Society CO-AUTHORED BY: RACHAEL FITZPATRICK, KATIE GODWIN, JULIA KIRBY, AND ASTRID KORIN Connecting Business initiative Dr NDAYAMBAJE Irénée ECD EDUCATION Education Development Center Education Development Center (EDC) Ezechiel Sentama FAO Feed the Future Fond Africain de Développement (FAD) Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Gahunda Mbonezamikurire y’abana bato (NECDF) Gender Monitoring Office General Assembly Security Council GFDRR Global Communities Global Fund - Fonerwa GMO Gouvernement Rwandais Government /Official Gazette Government of Rwanda Government of Rwanda, One United Nations Government of Rwanda/Dr Alfred R, Bizoza Government of Rwanda/Official Gazette Habyarimana Jean de Dieu , Hashakimana Theogene , Ntawiha Philothere , Zhou Ke HAL HDI Health Sector Research Policy Helen Collinson HiiL Hinrich Biesterfeldt, Sebastian Günther, Wadad Kadi Human Rights IBIS Idasa, oxfam IFAD IFRC INCLUDE Institut de Recherche et de Dialogue pour la paix Institute National de la Statistique au Rwanda Institute of Policy Analysis and Research-Rwanda (Brian Corry) INTERAYAMAHANGA Reverien, IRDP Researcher International Alert International Federation of Red Cross and Crescent Scieties (IFRC) International IDEA International Labour Organization (ILO) International Labour Organization- Geneva (Matteo Rizzo) International Youth Foundation INTERPEACE International INTRAC INTRAC. IPAR-Rwanda Isaac Shapiro ITU Janvière UWASE JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY (JICA), INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER OF JAPAN INC. (IDCJ) Jean d’Amour Banyanga and Kaj Björkqvist Jean de Dieu Harerimana John Gasana Gasasira Joseph Nshokeyinka, Albert Manishimwe Joshua Theodore Bazuin Julius O. Adekunle JUSTICE FOR CHILDREN POLICY Justice MAHUNDAZA Legal Aid Forum Lise Vaule Local Administrative Development Agency (LODA) Mahika Halepete and Omar Ndizeye Marcus Timothy Haworth MIDIMAR MIGEPROF MINALOC MINECOFIN MINEDUC MINEMA MINICT MINIJUST MINIJUST/Official Gazette MINIJUST/Official Gazette n° Special of 18/02/2021 MINISITERI Y’UBUHINZI N’UBWOROZI MINISITERI YA SIPORO N’UMUCO Minisports MINISTERE DE L’AGRICULTURE ET DES RESOURCES ANIMALES Ministere de l’Invironnement MINISTRY IN CHARGE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND ANIMAL RESOURCES Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, (Ntabakirabose Gaspard) MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND ANIMMAL RESOURCES MINISTRY OF DUCATION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT Ministry of Environment,Rwanda Ministry of Gender and family promotion MINISTRY OF HEALTH Ministry of ICT and Innovation MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE MINISTRY OF LANDS, RESETTLEMENT AND ENVIRONMENT MINISTRY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SERVICE AND LABOUR MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING Ministry Of Science, Technology And Scientific Research MINISTRY OF SPORTS & CULTURE MINISTRY OF SPORTS AND CULTURE Ministry of Trade and Industry MINISTRY OF YOUTH, CULTURE AND SPORTS MINIYOUTH MINORITY RIGHTS GROUP INTERNATIONAL MUJAWAYEZU PRISCA MUTEMBEREZI Pascal MYICT NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN (NCC) NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES National Institute of Rwanda ( NISR) National Institute of Rwanda (NISR) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STATISTICS OF RWANDA National Statistics of Rwanda National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC) NATIONAL WOMEN’S COUNCIL NCPD NCST NECDP NEVER AGAIN RWANDA Never Again Rwanda & Interpeace Nicole Fox, Hollie Nyseth Brehm, John Gasana Gasasira NISR NIYITEGEKA JEROME Ntihinyurwa Philippe, Dr. Patrick Mulyungi Nuffic NURC NURC / ITORERO RY’IGIHUGU OCDE OECD OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN Open Society Foundations OXFAM Pauline Leonard and Noëlla Richard PBSO Peace Uwineza and Elizabeth Pearson PITD/RDGE Prepared by PSDYE Sector Working Group Secretariat PRIMATURE Private Sector Development and Youth Employment Sector Pro-femmes Twese Hamwe/VSO Profemmes Twese Hamwe PROPHETIC STANDARDS STATEMENT PSF RAB RBC RCSP RCSP,CARE, PROFEMMES TWESE HAMWE RDB, Republic of Rwanda RDHS REB REMA Republic of Rwanda Republic of Rwanda, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources Republic of Rwanda, NISR Republic of Rwanda/Official Gazette REPUBLIQUE DU RWANDA REPUBULIKA Y'U RWANDA RGB Rick James RISA Robert C. Ordemann RWANDA AGRICULTURE AND ANIMAL RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT BOARD Rwanda Bar Association joined Rwanda Decentralization Program RWANDA ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) RWANDA NATIONAL POLICE Rwanda’s Gender Dividend Sara Dahl and Jeanette Lundberg, Civil Society Partnerships Advisors, Save the Children Sweden SARIG Save the Chidren SAVE THE CHILDREN SENDUGWA Gilbert Ronald, HAVUGIYAREMYE Simon Bizimana et Jean Baptiste Nkulikiyinka SIPU Susan Pezzullo and Julie Rice Sustainable Development Goals THE JUDICIARY OF RWANDA The Legal Aid Forum The Lutheran World Federation and Islamic Relief Worldwide THE MINISTRY IN CHARGE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT & UNHCR THE REPUBLIC OF RWANDA The World Bank Theophile Dushimiyimana Theunis Keulder & Erika Benz Transparency International Rwanda U.S. Government UN Women UNDP UNESCO UNFPA UNHCR UNICEF UNICEF for Every Child/Rwanda UNICEF Rwanda UNITED NATION United Nation Development Program (UNDP ) UNITED NATIONS United Nations General Assembly United Nations Peacebuilding UNITED NATIONS WOMEN United States Department of State • Office of International Religious Freedom UNRwanda, Republic of Rwanda UPHLS USAID USAID Rwanda USAID/Rwanda UZABUMUGABO VIRGILE Water Access Rwanda WFP WHO WHRDs WORLD BANK World Faiths Development Dialogue World Food Program (WFP) World Food Programme (WFP) YouthConneckt Africa Hub