Mission is: To Empower East-African women, starting from Rwanda, through sports and education
#1 Project Title: Le Sports, outil de la Prévention des Grossesses non désirées et des maladies Sexuellement transmissibles chez les Adolescentes dans la ville de Kigali à travers le Sport.
Start date: 2022-06-01
End date: 2022-12-31
Project location: City of Kigali
Les 300 beneficiaires ont appris le sports et son importance,le ;eadership, l ‘entreprenariat , sante reproductrice ,Création d’emploi afin de quitter le chômage et la pauvreté et permettre ceux qui veulent retourner a l ecole d’y aller.
Key beneficiaries targeted: 300 Beneficiaries: 75 Filles, 150 Meres adolescentes, et 75 garcons
Donor(s) & Implementing partners: Association Internationale des Maires Francophones( AIMF)
#2 Project Title: Be Part of what matters
Start date: 2021-01-08
End date: 2023-01-04
Project location: City of Kigali
AKWOS has implemented activities in 4 schools around Kigali (GS Karama, GS Kimisagara, Ape Rugunga, and GS Sainte Famille) that are using the My Coach App (peace and sports methodology) where hundreds of pupils are benefiting from the program and coaches have also experienced the new skills.
Key beneficiaries targeted: 100 Beneficiaries from 8-13 aged kids
Donor(s) & Implementing partners: PEACE AND SPORT