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Youth Innovation Toolkit

 Author: Mahika Halepete and Omar Ndizeye  Category: youth empowerment  Publisher: NEVER AGAIN RWANDA AND AYANA INTERNATIONAL  Published: 2015  Pages: 16  Country: RWANDA  Language: English  Tags: DevelopmentYouth empowerment |

Young people constitute an estimate of 1.2 billion people in the world. In Africa 65% of the
population is below 35 years, making it a youthful continent. The growing youth population in
Africa presents myriad reasons for concern. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is development that meets human needs. The overall long-term goal of sustainable development is stability of the economy and environment. This is achievable through integration of the economy, environments, and social concerns throughout decision making. Concerted effort is needed towards building an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future for the people and planet.
