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Strengthening business opportunities and socio-economic inclusion of vulnerable youth, women, and persons with disabilities

 Author: United Nation Development Program (UNDP )  Category: youth empowerment  Publisher: United Nation Development Program (UNDP )  Published: 2022  Tags: BusinessEmploymentYouth empowerment |

Rwanda has made notable strides to empower youth in entrepreneurship, skills development, and job employment; and prioritizes them as critical in achieving its Vision 2050. 70% of the Rwandan population is under 30 years old and 75% of youth live in rural areas where subsistence agriculture is the dominant source of income. Over the past two decades a number of youth centric policies and interventions have been developed and implemented. In the aftermath of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, the Government of Rwanda (GoR)established the National Youth Council, a platform to empower the youth to share their ideas and contribute to the national development. In 2013, the Ministry of Youth was established to streamline national efforts on youth empowerment and employment. Rwanda is in a demographic transition from a high-fertility, high-mortality equilibrium to a low(er)-fertility, low(er)-mortality equilibrium, providing a greater need for youth empowerment within the economy and a potential dividend that can contribute to long-term economic growth and development.

