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Republic of Rwanda Country Strategic Opportunities Programme 2019 – 2024 IFAD Investing in Rural People

 Author: IFAD  Category: livelihoods&economic employment  Publisher: IFAD  Published: 2019  Tags: DevelopmentFood security |
The country strategic opportunities programme (COSOP) for Rwanda covers the period 2019-2024. The completion review of the preceding COSOP (2013-2018) was conducted in October-December 2018. The new COSOP encompasses the 2019-2021 and 2022-2024 cycles of the performance-based allocation system (PBAS). Based on the current PBAS scores, IFAD funding for the two cycles (2019-2024) is estimated at US$110 million. The COSOP has been prepared in line with the Government’s 4th Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture 2018-2024 (PSTA To ensure that IFAD lending and non-lending operations will continue to support the Government’s investment programme and policy framework for growth and poverty reduction, in which agriculture plays a central role. The overall COSOP objective is to reduce poverty by empowering poor rural men, women and youth to participate in the transformation of the agriculture sector and to enhance their resilience. This objective will be achieved through action focusing on the following:

 Strategic objective 1: To sustainably increase agricultural productivity in

priority food and export value chains.

 Strategic objective 2: To improve post-harvest processes and strengthen

market linkages.

 Cross-cutting thematic areas: access to finance; improved nutrition;

empowerment of women and youth; and natural resource management and

climate change.

The focus of IFAD interventions is on the lending portfolio, which is combined with

grants in order to promote innovation. Further support in this regard is provided

through country-level policy engagement, capacity-building and knowledge

management. IFAD will enhance its strategic partnerships, in particular with the

Rome-based United Nations agencies, and its focus on South-South and Triangular

