Health Budget Brief- Investing in Children’s Health in Rwanda 2021-2022
Author: UNICEF Rwanda Category: Health, Health and medical services, health&hygiene, water, water sanitation Publisher: UNICEF Rwanda Published: 2021 Tags: Health | Hygiene | Report | Water |As with other countries globally, Rwanda has entered the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, a period characterized by unprecedented health, social and economic crises. The Government of Rwanda has been implementing robust COVID-19 response and preparedness measures, contributing to health system resilience since the pandemic’s early stages.
The health sector is coordinated by the Ministry of Health (MINISANTE), whose mission it is to provide and continuously improve affordable promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care services to the Rwandan population.
MINISANTE is supported by the Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC) for the implementation of key programmes, improving research activities in the field of disease prevention, and providing treatment to people at all levels of the health system. Additionally, the Food and Drug Authority (FDA) established in 2018 is responsible, amongst other things, for the regulation of pharmaceutical products, vaccines, human and veterinary processed foods, and other biological products.