Governing with and for Citizens
Author: Never Again Rwanda & Interpeace Category: citizen participation&democracy, Human rights Publisher: Never Again Rwanda & Interpeace Published: 2016 Tags: Governance |Never Again Rwanda (NAR) is a Peacebuilding and social justice organization. It was created in the aftermath of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in order to mitigate the consequences of the genocide. NAR aims to empower Rwandans and give them opportunities to become active citizens and ultimately become agents of positive change and work together towards sustainable peace and development. At the beginning of 2015, NAR embarked on a four-year program with Interpeace, entitled Societal Healing and Participatory Governance for Sustainable Peace. This program, funded by the Government of Sweden, aims to contribute to the consolidation of a peaceful and inclusive Rwandan society where citizens participate in governance, influence programs and policies that reflect their priorities. It also aims to encourage Rwandans to peacefully manage conflicts and diversity, as they overcome the wounds of the past.