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Evaluation of the Sida and DFID funded Public Policy Information, Monitoring and Advocacy (PPIMA) project in Rwanda

 Author: Ali Dastgeer, André Bourque and Alexis Kimenyi  Category: Health, Health and medical services, health&hygiene, water, water sanitation  Publisher: Ali Dastgeer, André Bourque and Alexis Kimenyi  Published: 2012  Tags: HealthPolicyReport |

This evaluation of the Public Policy Information, Monitoring and Advocacy (PPIMA) project was carried out in July 2012. Its purpose is to evaluate the relevance, effec-tiveness, impact and sustainability of the programme up until May/June 2012. The evaluation would serve as an important input to the DFID’s and Sida’s assessment of a possible second phase of support to PPIMA.

The Public Policy Information, Monitoring and Advocacy (PPIMA) project is a civil society support project aimed at strengthening the interest among Rwandan civil so-ciety organizations (CSOs) and citizens in public policy affairs. It is coordinated by Norwegian Peoples Aid (NPA), implemented by 14 Rwandan CSOs and is funded by Sid and DFID. It has a duration of 3 ½ years: it started with an inception phase in August 2009 which lasted till February 2010 and an implementation phase from then till February 2013. Six of the project partners work at the national level with government and other stakeholders, and eight at the local level in 4 target districts: Gatsibo, Gakenke, Ngororero and Nyaruguru.
