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USAID Integrated Improved Livelihoods Program (IILP) Rwanda – Nutrition Integration

 Author: USAID  Category: Health, health&hygiene, livelihoods&economic employment, water sanitation  Publisher: USAID  Published: 2015  Tags: infographicLivelihoodsNutrition |

Nutrition is a key sector for a country’s sustainable development. It contributes to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, to which Rwanda has committed itself as a member of the internation­al community. In Rwanda, 44% of children under age of five face chronic malnutrition with the Western province among the highest (49%) (DHS2010). Child feeding practices of children between 12 and 23 months (types of foods consumed by children)-are significant predictors of their stunting. In particular, 11% of children receive breastfeeding before 6months and children between one and two years old who had consumed milk products were significantly less stunted than other children of the same age category (CFSVA 2012).

