National Reconciliation in Rwanda: Experiences and Lessons Learnt
Author: Ezechiel Sentama Category: peacebuilding, social cohesion Publisher: Ezechiel Sentama Published: 2022 Tags: Reconciliation |Rwanda is a country with a troubled history. The pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial periods have been characterised by power struggles and violence between the Hutu and Tutsi groups. Prior to colonisation the Tutsi ruled a bonded labour class (the Hutu). Colonial powers further exacerbated the divisions between the two groups by enhancing Tutsi exploitation of the Hutu. The Hutu revolution, in 1959, pushed the Tutsi out of power and Rwanda achieved its independence, in 1962, as a Republic under Hutu leadership. These tensions led to a civil war, 1990-1994, between the Hutu government and Tutsi-led Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), and the conflict climaxed with a genocide aimed particularly at the Tutsi, April-July 1994. The RPF defeated the Hutu government, and, then, put an end to the genocide.