Rwanda Democracy and Governance Assessment
Author: Rwanda Decentralization Program Category: citizen participation&democracy, Human rights Publisher: Rwanda Decentralization Program Published: 2002 Tags: Governance |This document was created on the basis of a research protocol established by USAID/Washington Democracy and Governance Center. The primary purpose of the Democracy and Governance Assessment is to inform USAID/Rwanda’s strategic planning process as it prepares to put a new strategy into place that will guide USAID assistance in Rwanda for the period between 2004 – 2009. The document is an internal planning tool for the agency, and while it covers a great deal of information of interest to informed observers of Rwandan politics, its unique utility is the linkages made between general analytic findings of the research and the strategic recommendations made by the team. While the team provides some illustrative examples of program-level activities, these are not assumed to be definitive, as a further process of stakeholder consultation and program/activity design (currently underway) should define the specific parameters of future activities.