NATIONAL DECENTRALIZATION POLICY Consolidating participatory governance and fast-tracking citizen-centered development
Author: Ministry of Local Government Category: citizen participation&democracy, Human rights Publisher: Ministry of Local Government Published: 2012 Tags: Governance |Decentralization has, since 2000, been a key policy of the Government of Rwanda (GoR) for promoting good governance, service delivery, and national development. By developing and implementing the decentralization policy, the GoR is not only doing what is right but rather doing what was a result of popular demand by the Rwandan population. Implemented in phases, along well defined decentralization implementation plans (DIPs), the original decentralization objectives have been achieved albeit to varying degrees. Despite impressive achievements, challenges still stand in the way of effective decentralization. Moreover, new demands have come up as the country takes new long strides into the future. This explains why the Policy has had to be updated to keep it focused and responsive to the new challenges, aspirations, and ambitions of the Government and people of Rwanda.