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Rwanda Aid Policy Manual of Procedures

 Author: Republic of Rwanda  Category: budgeting&financial management  Publisher: Republic of Rwanda  Published: 2023  Pages: 126  Language: English

This section details external financial flows governed by the Government of Rwanda’s 2006 Aid Policy. Rwanda follows the OECD/DAC definition of External Finance, i.e. grants or loans with a development purpose and a grant element of more than 25% (OECD/DAC, 2008a)1 The focus on aid includes aid disbursements in the context of an agreement with the government sector (–central government or decentralized entities – authorised to receive revenue or undertake expenditures on behalf of central government), including works, goods or services delegated or subcontracted by government to other entities (e.g. NGOs, private companies)2 . All such aid is to follow the procedures detailed in this manual.
